Individuals with cerebral palsy are critical to advance science. Thank you for considering joining the effort.

When you join the CPRR, you will provide us with some basic medical and contact information. We use that information to match you with research studies that you may qualify for – it’s always up to you if you’d like to know more details from researchers, or if you want to participate in their study. We ask that you update your information with us each year.

Research is important to advance our understanding of cerebral palsy causes, treatments, and issues across the lifespan. Studies come in all shapes and sizes. They can range from answering a questionnaire to performing activities with robotic devices. Sometimes researchers can use information that cannot be tied to you (also called de-identified data) to answer questions without you needing to do anything. In some cases, studies compensate you for your time.

All information that you share with us will be kept safe in a secure, password-secured and encrypted database. You will have your own user name and password of your choice in order to access and modify your record with us.

Joining the Cerebral Palsy Research Registry takes only three steps.

Step 1: Click here to be taken to our database hosted by Northwestern.

Step 2: Indicate if you are registering yourself, or someone else. A consent document will appear that explains your rights and protection as a participant in the Cerebral Palsy Research Registry. The consent form also has important contact information for your reference. Read and sign the consent form. Feel free to reach out to us if you have questions or difficulty.

Step 3: After signing the consent form, you will be asked to complete a short questionnaire. There are starred (*) questions throughout the questionnaire that are required to be answered. It should take approximately 30 minutes to complete the entire questionnaire.

Next: You've registered! We'll connect with you when there's a study to consider, or to update your profile in about a year.

Thank you in advance for participating!

A collaboration



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